She Sparks Change:

Pre-Seed Accelerator

Ready to Incubator for Impact?

Do you have a mission-driven idea that will help solve a social problem? Whether you're starting a nonprofit, social enterprise, B-corp, or any other impactful organization, we're here to help you get started!

#TheBrainstorm: Ideating for World-Changing Solutions Bootcamp

Don't have an idea for a social enterprise or impactful business yet or still have not yet tested it out? No problem! Join our Pre-Accelerator: Brainstorming Bootcamp - 8 Week Program.

*This program is a requirement for any untested idea interested in joining the accelerator.

What is She Sparks Change: Pre-Seed Accelerator?

We are an idea-stage accelerator program for women social innovators who are interested in creating mission-driven organizations. Our 12-week program gives women the opportunity to get the training, connections, & funding opportunities to launch & lead impactful initiatives in a safe space. No Judgement, Only Support!

We cater to pre-seed social entrepreneurs and non-profit creators.

  • Join a cohort of passionate, impactful women!
  • Design your #Business4Impact Blueprint
  • Get mentorship and group support
  • Learn how to hone and pitch your idea!

Our accelerator ends in a showcase to potential funders and supporters!

Get Notified When Applications Open

We're the FIRST women-focused social innovator accelerator program in the world.
Our inaugural cohort will commence in Fall 2025 or Spring 2026.